Jeremias Schwarzer has made a name for himself as a recorder soloist in both the early and contemporary music scenes through his enviable virtuosity and musicality. In collaboration with the Kunststiftung NRW, Jeremias Schwarzer will also continue the interdisciplinary projects of the TRANSIENT Impuls Festival, which he founded in 2021.


Bachfesttage Köthen

Meisterkuse mit Prof. Clara Blessing, Barockoboe; Prof. Jeremias Schwarzer, Blockflöte; Prof. Ralf Waldner, historische Tasteninstrumente; Folkert Uhde, Konzertdesign

Kolumba Köln

Mehrstündige Bespielungen der Kolumba Köln und der Bruder Klaus Kapelle Wachendorf/ Eifel zum Thema Klang und Zeit


Werke von Hildegard v. Bingen, J. van Eyck, Liza Lim u.a.

Recent videos

Salvatore Sciarrino: 4 Adagi with Jeremias Schwarzer, Daniel Harding and Filarmonica della Scala

Sounds and Clouds: Immersive concert installation with music by Vivaldi and Hosokawa

● 2016

Dai Fujikura – Recorder Concerto with Bamberg Symphony and Jonathan Stockhammer

● 2022

Education project for Bamberg Symphony and young recorder players: CLEAR THE STAGE FOR THE… RECORDER

● 2022